Administrators have the ability to edit share links. The steps are similar to those outlined for Guest (end) Users and Collaborators. For a thorough review of the process, click here.
Below are a few details to distinguish an Admin's abilities when editing share links.
Visibility to All Share Links
Administrators can add/remove content from any existing Share Link regardless of the creator's permission role. Select your assets...choose Add to Share Link from the bulk actions panel, and a window with all of the links will open. The default setting allows you to see all links. Toggle the button to filter and display only the links you created.
After assets have been added, the preview on the right side of the page will refresh to display the updated contents on the link.
Restrict Sharing
Sharing of a link can be limited to only users with access to a Library. Navigate to Settings > General Settings > Advanced tab and choose the 'users of this library' radial button. When this option is applied, Guest users will no longer have the ability to make a link Public.
Require Email To Access
Administrators can also require recipients to enter their email address in order to access a Public share link. Navigate to Settings > General Settings > Advanced tab and choose 'enable'. Any email address that's entered will be tracked via Insights only regardless of whether they have credentials to access the Library or not.
If you have additional questions on Editing Share Link, contact us.