The download alerts functionality will allow you to present an alert message to your users prior to downloading. This could be for a legal notice, reminder, or anything that you want to make sure that your users see and agree to, in order to continue the download.
This can be set at either the library level, for all assets within the library, or at a collection level for specific alert messaging within each collection.
Turning on Download Alerts
You can access the settings from the library or collection General Settings -> Advanced Settings. Click to enable download alerts and add the text that you want your users to read. Once this is saved, when downloading from either the detail page or bulk action, this alert will appear first.
This currently does not support localization, but you can include multiple languages within the text box itself.
You can have separate messaging at both the library and collection level if you choose.
Ask your account manager to enable on your account if you don't see it available in settings.