Downloading a Single Asset

To download all files associated with an asset, select the "Download X Attachment(s)" in the bottom right hand corner. To download a single file, select the download icon next to the file.
Formatting and Resizing
To change the format or size of an image, click on "Options" to the right of the asset name. This will open a menu (shown above) to select your format and size options.
Notes on aspect ratio and resizing:
- When entering a width or height, the other will update automatically.
- For non-vector assets, you cannot scale the asset beyond its original size.
- Vector files (.svg, .png) are allowed to up-scale.

Downloading in Bulk
Select assets individually by selecting the checkbox in the bottom right OR select entire sections by checking the box next to the Section name. After assets are selected the Bulk Actions Bar will appear in the bottom left where you can choose "Download" to create a .zip, or "Download Some" for more options.

Downloading Some

Selecting "Download Some" will allow you to create a .zip file or a share link to a .zip file with a subset of assets by deselecting any merged files from the window that appears. "Download Some" also allows you to resize and reformat in bulk by using the "Max Height", "Max Width", and the format dropdown.
Once your final selection is complete, you can chose "Download" or "Share" from the upper right hand corner.