"My Profile" provides an overview of your Media Manager activities including boards and notifications. It also provides easy access to your account settings and integrations.
When you login to Media Manager, you will notice that your profile populates with your organization, number of libraries, and number of assets.
Navigating to My Profile
"My Profile" appears under your username in the upper right of your Media Manager.
Information in My Profile
Use "My Profile" to update your personal information, see notifications, review any assets that you've favorited, and more!
To add an asset to a board, select the asset in single or bulk from the search results grid. On the bulk action bar, you'll find an option for add to board.
You can add to an existing board or create a new board from there. In your profile, you will see all the boards that you have created. You can also add a new board from this page.
When you select "Notifications", you can view specific uploads and downloads in the Notification Center.
Account Settings
Go to "Account Settings" to update your email and password quickly and easily.
Notification Settings
In "Notification Settings", you can indicate if you want Email notifications in addition to your In-App notifications. Email notifications are sent out weekly with a synopsis of the week's activity.