Setting Up User Groups
1. Navigate to Settings > Bulk Management > User Groups.
2. At the top of the User Groups page you will find an area to input a description of the group, and a group name. Once this information is input select Create Group.
3. A notification will appear stating User group created successfully! The group will then appear in the user group table.
4. You will then be redirected to a new page where you can designate which Users should be included in your newly created group.
5. In the add users to group field, search the users name or enter email addresses in the add users to group field. You can also copy and paste a list of users into the field. Do note: only users already in the organization will be added to the group.
6. If you want the users to receive an email notification, toggle on Send an email invitation. Select Add users.
7. A message will display stating, We're working on adding users to this user group. You'll receive a notification when the users have been added.
Managing User Groups
Editing a Group
1. To edit a group, select Edit user group.
2. Change either the group name or description and select, Update group.
Adding and Removing Resource Permissions for a Group
1. On the groups page select the Permissions tab.
2. Select Libraries, Collections, Subcollections, Workspaces, Brandguides, and Portals the group will have access to from the Resource dropdown.
3. Designate if they will be an Admin, Collaborator, or Guest from the Permission level dropdown.
4. Add a personal message (optional).
5. If you want the users to receive an email notification, toggle on Send an email invitation, then select Add permissions.