Asset Availability, a Media Manager Rights Management features, allows you to control which assets are available to the world with set display and expiration dates.
How to Add a Publish and/or Expiration Date to Assets
1. Once Asset Availability has been enabled on your account - from your Library, select one or multiple assets to display the bulk actions toolbar.
2. Select "Availability" to display the Asset Availability module.
3. Set a "Publish Date" and/or "Expiration Date" and click Done.
4. Assets that are unpublished will be tagged with a "Draft" banner, and assets that are expired will be tagged with an "Expired" banner.
5. Assets in Draft and/or Expired state will only be visible to Admins and Collaborators; Guest users will be unable to view.
Important Notes:
- Media Manager checks once per hour for all assets in Organizations with Asset Availability enabled to determine if any assets have transitioned to/from expired/unpublished
- An asset's availability status will affect its viewability in share links, Collections and CDN embeds
- Approval status always takes precedence over Expired/Draft assets
- If an asset is expired and unapproved, the pending banner will show
- If an asset is unpublished and unapproved, the pending banner with show
- Then if those assets are approved, they will display expired/unpublished banners