Owners and Admins can define the taxonomy of custom fields
Owners and Admins can define the taxonomy of custom fields
Custom Fields provide a more controlled taxonomy by allowing you to add your own key/value metadata to assets. Control Custom Fields support single and multi-values. This ensures your assets are curated to work within the environment your users occupy. Custom Field keys are created by admins...and their values can added by admins and collaborators.
Enable Control Custom Fields
- Go to the Settings > General Settings > Advanced tab. Enable the 'Control Custom Fields' feature.
- While in Settings, go to the Custom Fields tab. This is where your custom Keys (fields) and their Values are defined. Keys are required for control custom fields. Values can be provided for users to select from and apply or left blank for users to input themselves as needed.
Single Value, Multi-Value & Required Fields
- When setting up your custom fields, by default, users are allowed to apply a Single Value to assets.
- To permit Multiple Values for a field, check the "Allow Multiple Values" box next to that specific key/field.
- When you check the box for Required, a user must apply a value on an asset to complete an upload.
- Once you've set up your keys and values, click the Update Custom Fields button at the bottom of the page.
Custom fields can be applied/edited at the Library and Collection levels.
Users leveraging the Guest Upload tool must provide data for any required fields before selecting files to add to ingest to the system.
When a custom field is required, we recommend users download a CSV metasheet to retroactively apply custom field values to existing assets. For additional instructions on working with CSV metasheets, click here.
Adding Custom Fields Within the Asset Modal
Control Custom Fields can be applied from within the asset modal. Click on a thumbnail > Edit tab > Custom Fields tab.
Restricted Entry means users choose from a pre-determined list of values.
- Single value custom fields (restricted entry) will only permit one value to be assigned to an asset. Click the dropdown arrow to expose your options. When you're finished, click 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the page.
- For multi-value custom fields (restricted entry), users can assign more than one value to an asset. Click the dropdown arrow to expose your value list. In the example below the asset is designated for the 'Brochure/Flyer' and 'Direct Mail' channels. Don't forget to click 'Save Changes'.
Unrestricted Entry means users can add their own values to a custom field.
- Single value custom fields (unrestricted entry) means no pre-determined list has been provided. Users are only permitted to add one value to the field. Afterwards, click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page.
- With multi-value custom fields (unrestricted entry) users can add more than one value to a field by separating each term with a semi-colon. Click "Save Changes" to update.
Once your edits are complete, custom fields are viewable in the asset modal. Multiple values will be separated by commas.
Translations for multi-value custom fields are not supported.
Once multiple values have been applied to assets, this feature can't be unchecked and control custom fields can't be disabled until the values are removed from those assets.
Adding Custom Fields From the Bulk Actions Panel
- When working with many assets, users can apply custom field values using the Bulk Action Toolbar. Click on the checkboxes below each thumbnail, choose Tag from the panel.
- Select the Bulk Custom Fields tab from the pop up window. Depending on the key/field settings, the same guidelines used to apply custom fields from within the asset modal apply when you use this approach.
When updating custom fields through the Bulk Actions panel, existing values on the assets will not display.
Adding different values to a Single Value custom field will override the original value. If the field is set to Multi-Value, then new terms will be appended.
Single and Multi-value custom fields can be updated using CSV Metasheets. On the Bulk Actions panel, choose Download > Download as CSV. When adding multiple values for a key (field), you must separate each value with a semi-colon.
Prioritizing Custom Fields
Custom fields can be prioritized to indicate which ones are most important to users. To enable, go to Settings > Bulk Management > Custom Fields. Check the box of each field you wish to prioritize. You can prioritize up to 5 fields.
- Prioritized fields will display at the top (and in alphabetical order) when viewing/editing an asset modal.
- They'll also appear when you click the Filters button to display the Advanced Filters drawer. Check the boxes of the values you wish to filter by and the system will update accordingly. Use the Any/All toggle to specify if the results should contain any or all of the selected values.
- To remove multi-value custom fields, the values must first be deleted from ALL assets in bulk management. Go to Bulk Management > Custom Fields tab/tile. Click on the value count next to the custom field you wish to clear out. On the pop-up page click the trash can to the right of that value.
Custom Fields are searchable. For more details on search syntax for custom fields, click here.
When you expand the Filters panel, Prioritized Custom Fields appear at the top of the Advanced Filters drawer.
For assistance with Custom Fields contact your Media Manager account manager, or click here.